Suggested readings week 48/2023

Steve Blank and the Quantum Technology Ecosystem
Steve Blank is: E.piphany, Zilog, MIPS Computers, Convergent Technologies, Pixar, Ardent, Rocket Science Games and many other ventures and startups.
He founded his latest startup in his living room and a few years later he retired, in 1999. Since then, Steve Blank has delivered an increidble amount of knowledge for company founders and managers in books, podcasts and blog posts.
Here he talks of Quantum Technology with his cristal clear style.
Rethinking Negotiation
Negotiation is stressful. But is negotiating shouldn't mean taking advantage of the other side or try to look tough: there should be a way for getting treated fairly, both sides.
This is a simple and practical approach to negotiation that goes through logical thinking and being fair. From one of the most empathic university teachers of all times.
Biomolecular intelligence
How to build computing devices by leveraging DNA nanoengineering for nanoscale sensing, diagnostics and therapeutics.
Problem Framing Toolkit
Use the problem framing canvas to explore a problem space and formulate a robust problem statement to ensure you’re solving the right problem.
Innovation Toolkit is a free-to-use repository of tools for innovation and change management developed at MITRE.
MITRE describes itself as an Innovating Company that does not compete with other industries. It was born in 1958 with a sponsorship by U.S. Air Force and since then it served in close contact with Governments as a priviledged bridge across the academic research community and industry.
Digital transformation of the energy system
Towards a decentralised, decarbonised and flexible energy system, thanks also to decentralised agreement technologies.